New addition
Well the fiancé and I made the 8 hour drive to the NARBC expo today in hopes of getting some more advice about breeding and I ended up getting a 8 year old Pastel Ball Python for a great price. I'm going to be looking for a spider or pinstripe girlfriend for him in hopes of producing some bees or lemon blasts. One question will he be okay on the car ride without a heat source as long as we keep it a good temperature in the car or should I pick up a cheap tub and uth for the car ride (I brought with my standard outlet that plugs into the cigarette lighter). I'll have pics tomorrow after I pick him up and get home.
0.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boa, 1.1 Pastel BP, 1.0 Spider BP, 1.0 Cinnamon BP, 0.0.1 Green Iguana, 0.0.1 Bearded Dragon
2.7 Rats 2.1 Cats 0.1 Dog