Should I get a Ball Python?
So I've wanting to get a snake.
I've been reading about several snake species and was wondering how hard Ball Pythons are to care for. I have heard varying opinions on them being picky eaters, others just say that they naturally go on long fasts from time to time and it's not really them being 'picky' but actually phases they naturally go through.
I have a few questions:
I will be getting a male (smaller, don't have egg problems) should I decide to get a Ball Python.
2. Approximately how much would it cost to feed a Ball Python (frozen mice/rats, I don't want to breed live ones) and how often.
3. What size tank for a male?
4. I've heard they are very docile and like to just 'hang around'. Is this true? What is their general temperament?
5. Any additional information I should know about them??