I've been trying to switch my adult BP from mice to rats for quite some time now. He is currently eating two large mice, but I really want to switch him over to eating one proper sized rat instead. He's quite a picky eater (something I know BPs are notorious for). For example, he'll only eat white mice... and will refuse any brown, black, or spotted mice (weirdo). I've tried most of the tricks I've heard of:
- only offering a rat
- skipping a scheduled feeding to get him hungrier and then offer the rat
- only offering a rat at every feeding (he'll just refuse to eat; totally uninterested)
- offering him one mouse and then a small rat
- putting the mouse and the rat in together (he'll ignore the rat and go straight to the mouse)
- scenting the rat with mouse bedding
- scenting the rat with an actual mouse by rubbing them together
- scenting the rat with a mouse by housing them together for a day
None of these have worked and it's starting to get frustrating. He's a great feeder otherwise. In fact, recently after the second mouse, he seems to be looking for more like he's still hungry, which is what makes me think it's time to move him up to bigger prey, because I don't want to be feeding him 3 mice in one sitting... right?
Short of smearing mouse guts all over the rat (which sounds really, really gross), are there any other tricks I can try? ...or should I stick to mice and feed him 3 mice?