I woke up this morning to go pick up the new hard top for my Miata (woot) and looked in the viv and there was a nice present for me. Nero shed! (woot woot) Perfect shed too! (woot woot woot) Eye caps in place and no tears anywhere. All one piece.
Pre-shed, you can see he was pretty dull, but not really blue.

The shed, that's a 36x24 piece of paper and it runs the length diagonally. But he's really only about 22 inches

one side of the head

the other side, you can see the buggle of the eye cap dead center by that large (relative) chunk of cyprus mulch

hmm... what is this strange surface I have been placed upon.

its nice to have him back to his regular brightness, even if he is a bit dark

took him outside for a bit, is color shows better out there. I love his bullseye spots on his back.