While at the CRBE...(New Savannah Monitor)
Sooo, while at the CRBE this weekend, I happened to fall across the path of a Savannah Monitor, and absolutely just couldn't resist taking him home with me.
He's pretty tiny, but I have great hopes for this young one. We got him set up in his cage last night and within a few minutes he was out from under his hide just soaking in the heat of the lamp from the top of it. A while later he took notice of all the yummy food running around and began to chomp down.
All in all I believe he was indeed the best choice of the batch to choose, I especially loved his pattern and colouring just a little more than the rest, sure there may not be that much of a difference between them all, but I still like him.
I've thought of a name to call him, Ash for short.. Acheron if he is truly a boy and Ashlyn if he actually turns out to be a girl :P
Pictures to come in a few days after he settles in a bit more..
- Kayla
"To fear death, is to limit life." - EMC Monkeys
1 Northern Water Snake, 1 Snowflake Carpet Python, 1 Jungle/Jaguar Carpet, 1 Albino Ball Python, 1 Garter Snake, 1.1 Savannah Monitor