Rats vs. Mice
Okay guys, I'm sure this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything. I'm going to be getting about 5 months supply of frozen rodents next weekend and my question is. Are rats more nutritious for snakes than mice. My little corn is scarfing down mice pinkies very quickly and someone recommended trying rat pinkies soon. If I did that, I thought about getting rats in the appropriate sizes for my other snakes also. Personally, I'll just stick with mice unless rats have more nutritional value or something. I've been reading online but some say yes and others say no.
1.1 columbian rainbow boa, 1.1 pastel BP, 1.0 pastel BP het clown, 0.1 normal BP het clown, 0.1 spider BP, 0.3 normal BP, 0.1 yellow belly BP, 1.0 mojave BP, 1.0 Cinny BP, 0.1 het pied BP, 3.5 corns, 0.2 dogs, 1.2.1 leopard geckos, 1.1 bearded dragons