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Old 09-02-11, 05:20 PM   #1
Forum Moderator
Join Date: Sep-2011
Location: Overhill and underhill.
Posts: 7,365
New from Nebraska

Hey everyone, my name is Kyle, just picked up an infant Brazilian Rainbow Boa from General Exotics. I spent a load of time before purchasing him researching and learning so I could provide the best possible home. I thought I had the tank set up correctly and I did a trial run of a week before he arrived (placed my order on Monday, he arrived the following Wednesday as specified). However Once I got him I've noticed that the hot side of the tank is having trouble maintaining humidity. I've got a Fluker's vented 5.5" diameter clamp light Fluker's Clamp Lamps at PETCO centered on the left side of the cage over the water dish, although I'm thinking of reversing the sides.
The water dish is an exo-terra granite rock water dish Exo-Terra Granite Rock Water Dishes at PETCO and is fairly large and am thinking of switching to the smaller one I had for the gecko that I had for about 3 years, its about 6 inches small diameter and 9 inches large
Zoo Med Repti Rock Water Dish - Bowls & Feeding Accessories - Reptile - PetSmart. I'm also thinking about switching to a smaller hide as I currently have this one.
PETCO Reptile Cave Hideaway at PETCO.
Here's a rough MS paint sketch of my terrarium set up, its fairly accurate dimension wise and is 30x12x12 with a screen top that has been covered with aluminum foil with a hole cut out for the heat lamp which currently has a 50w black light in it.

temp is controlled by this set up, I'm a car guy so it was fairly easy to do since I already had everything except the thermostat.
programmable remote thermostat for terrarium heaters - Terrariums Forum - GardenWeb
anyways, enough about my setup, here's the little guy, checking out his new digs and crawling around my hand/arm

and just for kicks, here's my other hobby. The black rx7 is mine.

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