So a while back, on a herping outing, we caught a Northern Water Snake.
We brought it home with us, and at first only planned to keep it for a while.
I grew quite attached to the little guy and hoped beyond hope that I'd get to keep him. Stephan noticed that he must be mixed with something other than a Water Snake, he has the pattern of a water snake, but what he thinks is the head shape of a Milk Snake. It almost flattens out, and it looks a bit like a cobra. I think it's adorable.
It's been almost a month now since I've had the little guy I decided to name Little Foot. A better name for him would be Little Piggy, but I decided to just use that as a nickname :P He goes through about three 3" fishes every two days, and recently I've been able to get him to eat from my hand instead of having to leave them in the water bowl for a couple hours. He has no issue eating f/t either, and because we don't have to worry about his ferocious appetite I'm allowed to keep him
The pictures are of Little Foot about a week and a half after we got him.. He's grown a least half a foot since then