If you've ever lost a snake, you'll know what I'm talking about. I usually see my JCP come out every night, but haven't seen him in the last couple of nights. I figured he was hiding behind this fake wall at the back of his cage (see below). Finally tonight I thought I'd double check and he wasn't in his cage at all!
I started to panic and was thinking great I'll be up all night looking for him!
I had just moved him recently into this new cage:
Well, I started to look around, and luckily there he was curled up in front of the gerbil:
I think he was thinking about making a meal of the poor gerbil I have to say. So I am sooo thankful I found him! What a close call! For the snake and the gerbil. Actually if he had eaten the gerbil I guess he wouldn't have been able to get back out of the cage. I do have a lock on the front of the cage, which I've just reinforced to make doubly sure he can't get out again!