my bp has settled down nicely
hi all.
when i got my bp firstly, due to the numerus comments and threads that says ball/royal pythons are temperamental feeders at the best of times, i thought there would be trouble ahead with her not feeding.
its now 3 feeds later and she even striked and constricted for her last feed (today as her second feed was last thursday) and so ive never had a problem, i feel so happy that my snakes are perfect feeders - all of them and that i never had a problem.
on a slightly different note; my boa has gone into the start of shedding process and gone blue so expect fresh shed pics of him soon.
There are many things in life that we all take for granted, But the most important things that we affect are the animals and their habitats of this planet. If we can do something for these animals like give them a home and we can meet there basic needs then we are all heroes for making sure that the animals will still be there for future generations and should lead by example.