Co habitting Dilemma
I know before I begin that many people on here will question my animal husbandry because of this post. Please let me insist that i only have the best intentions and i am seeking advice from people who may have had to deal with similar issues.
I have recently become the owner of 2 BP's its not the first time i have owned BP's so i know the setup basics. I have 2 simple BP enclosures one of these may be a little small for the snakes i have but i am rectifying this.
My real issue is that these 2 snakes are around 4 years old and have been co-habitting since there previous owner got them. They show no outward signs of stress and while i am no expert they appear to be in excelent health. I do not wish to keep them together but when separated there behaviour changes dramatically Nose rubbing on glass and various signs of aggitation. I have had them for around 4 weeks One has fed succesfully and the other has shed successfully.
I dont want stressed animals and i know that they would, in the long run, be better separated but they seem far more stressed while appart.
Any advice would be welcome. I know what i am doing wrong I need help putting it right.
Thanx in advance and sorry for the huge post