I noticed my snake soaking excessively after a shed and found small black mites in the water. I've thrown away all the substrate, vacuumed, soaked the aquarium in water/ soap for about half an hour and cleaned all of that up, scrubbed everything down, and have my wood/ brick furniture in the oven. He's using paper bags as hides until this problem is solved. I've been cleaning the environment and surrounding room for a few hours now while reading up on it online. I have not yet treated the snake aside from a long bath, I do not have anything here to treat him yet. (I know this means I'll have to clean everything again, but with no substrate except the white paper towels it will be much easier) As a side note my snake is acting perfectly healthy and ate recently, no breathing problems or anything. Shed a few days ago (bad shed, my first clue).
I read this site:
A Better Treatment for Snake Mites
Has anyone ever tried using predatory mites to remove the infestation?
and this one:
Reptile Mites - Remove Snake Mites, Kill Lizard Mites
I am not going to use chemicals, just mineral oil and betadine if I find it. Any other chemical-free advice the veterans here could add that might help?
Thanks a bunch!