Field herping in Fairfield, Ca
Since the last week of being here we've seen 3 gopher snakes and 3 california kings. They are everywhere around here i'll be taking pics soon and hopefully have some luck finding some racers. Unfortunately 1 of each didn't make it. One gopher was squished by a car (seems like a daily event here, but more taxidermy practice I guess)
The kingsnake was a terrible event.... I saw it wrigling on the ground as I approached it and it looked like it had been hit by a lawn mower. There were several eviscerations and it's jaw was half on. As much as it killed me there was no hope of saving it so I crushed it's head with a quick heavy blow, but it kept squirming. I hope this was just nerves and I didn't cause further sufering? If this happens again what's the quickest most humane way of killing it? Decapitation?