04-27-11, 05:23 PM
Join Date: Dec-2010
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 2,787
Metachrosis (aka “Whitewall”) Pictures
One of the interesting quirks of Brazilians as a subspecies is their tendency to “lose” the color on their sides late in the day, an effect many keepers refer to as “whitewalling.” Under this effect, the color of the sides fades to an almost ghostly white.
Following are two recent, and rather dramatic, examples of this behavior. For each, I show the snake as it usually looks during the day, and then a late-day shot with whitewalls.
Drake, Day
Drake, Night
Ghandi, Day
Ghandi, Night
As with so many things about these snakes, fascinating stuff!
Thank you looking,
Cliff Earle
Living Gems Reptiles
Premium Brazilian Rainbow Boas from a disease-tested facility
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