small for age...
I have a beardie I bought about 2-3 months ago. He was supposed to be 2 months at the time, but I am pretty sure he was a hatchling. He was about 5 inches at the time and I didn't have a scale then so I don't know how much he weighs.
Anyway, he is housed alone and always has been in a 20 gal. tank. He was thought to be female but was too young to be 100 percent sure. Anyway, I've had him for 2-3 months now and I recently measured him/her and he was only 7 inches and I recently got a scale (Thank you Teresa!!) and he only weighs 12-13 grams. What is wrong with him! fecals came out clear. He eats but not alot. 10 crickets a day, sometimes less, and he has started eating a few small silkies.
Is is something I'm doing, all my other babies are big and nice, could it be genetics or something?
Herps are like pringles, you can't stop at just one.
'believe me I know!!'