New Guy to the community
My name is Paul and I've owned snakes for years.....however, our Corn Snake Kellog passed away after 6 years and we are looking to get a Red Tail Boa now.
We are looking for a male but don't have a lot of money to spend. I would really like to find a local breeder or adopt one that someone doesn't want.
I have a 200 gallon aquarium with heating lamp on a thermostat, large water dish, climbing limbs, and plenty of hiding logs. We're currently ready to bring one home.
My wife is asthmatic and allergic to dogs and cats so she has had a snake for most of her life. Our Corn Snake died 3 months ago and we're noticing something missing.
I will be spending a lot of time around here asking questions and soaking in the vast knowledge. I know that I don't know it I will ask!
Thanks for a local place to hang out..........