I give them to him all the time, they are cheap, full of protein, and one of the things they eat in nature, African worms are so much larger than "Canadian Night Crawlers" but are the same "meat", so my feelings are since they are natural food that Savs eat in the wild, I use it in his normal diet.
Look at this African version of a night crawler.
Originally Posted by jay0133
Yuck canned, full of preservatives!! That cant be good.
And salt, excessive salt is lethal to any reptile, Tuna also contains Thiaminase, an enzyme that blocks thiamine absorption, that leads to liver failure.
Goldfish, Rosy reds and comet fish are all full of this lethal enzyme, never feed those common feeder fish to any reptile that will consume fish, the results are not immediate, it can take years, but when the liver shuts down, they suffer a slow painful death.