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Old 04-12-11, 11:49 PM   #11
The Scorpion Whisperer
NennaMeerkat's Avatar
Join Date: Dec-2010
Location: Fort Worth
Age: 42
Posts: 1,809
Re: newbie snakes

Yay more questions

$80.00 a good price for a captive bred male het western hognose

Yeah I would say so, though keep in mind males are not as big as females. For my female I paid 75.00 Remember also that if you are getting it online from a breeder that would have to mail you the snake it will cost extra! And you won't have the benefit of a breeder nearby in case something is wrong with the snake.

and also what does "het" mean lol is it like a color morph or something?

Not sure. Guess would be it is a carrier of special colors/morph. Wherever you are seeing the information from needs to have a picture of your snake that you want. Then that will show you what, if anything, is different about your snake. Considering the price...probably just a carrier of special colors/morph.

would have to put a heat lamp on my tank? i live in florida and it is fairly warm for almost the whole year. i think the coldest it got here last winter was like 32F lol i know im going to need a heat mat

You will need a mat under your tank for the "hot side" of it. They come in different sizes for different sized tanks. If you split the tank in half (which for a 40 gallon I suggest you do) then you will want to get a 10 gallon sized mat. If you don't split the tank then you want a 20 gallon sized mat. You are also going to need a in tank thermometer that will show you what the temp is in the tank. Many different kinds out there. But basically you stick it to the inside of the tank in the middle (if you split the tank in half then put it in the middle of the half you are using). Since you like in Fl. the only time you are gonna need a heat lamp is in the winter. I live in Texas and I use one as a precaution. Ceramic lamp with a low wattage bulb.

Oh! And the under the tank mat will need to be on a "dimmer switch" so you can control how hot it is. Those mats get really hot and can burn a snake if you don't watch it. Basically if you can put your hand on the glass where the mat is under for 10 seconds without any discomfort then it should be okay for your snake. If you feel uncomfortable lower the "dimmer switch" and try the hand test again in about 10 min.

also i read that you shouldnt put your tank near a window? why is that?

This goes for anything ANYTHING in a tank. The sun will make your tank into a microwave basically and will literally bake whatever is inside of it. So no window sill sitting for any tank. In fact I wouldn't have the tank anywhere that gets direct sunlight. Don't wanna risk that hot FL. sun right?
If you can't provide the facts and experience DON'T provide the criticism.

-1.0.0 Bearded Dragon-0.1.0 Western Hognose-0.2.0 Leopard Gecko-0.2.0 Dumbo Rat-
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