Ever lose a snake??!!
Man did we have a scare last night. We went to give our two sick KSB boys there daily meds and I sifted through the crushed walnut and found the larger anery. Then I tried to find the littlest snake we have the albino named AL lol and we couldn't find him!! took out the tank decor and couldn't find him..... Now we are like WTH and we start thinking, ok he got out.
Oh no! He either went down one of the two sinks in the bathroom where we keep them ( of course the faucets are open) or he fell to the floor and went into a heating vent. Or really squirmed and went into the other snake room or out into another room. So we demolish everything looking for him and after a couple hours of that it was just starting to sink in that we lost him!! $125 for the snake $65 for vet visit and whatever costs not to mention he is cute as hell. :P
Then Jackie picks up this roman pillar looking tank decor that I flipped upside down first thing and said I bet he crawled up into it and sure as shiza there he is grunting his way out of a tiney hole in it!!!! So we punished him with icky meds and closed the faucets and removed "potential problem decor".