Originally Posted by lukelightwalker
And you keep your snakes in racks. OK well I will just be ignoring you from now on. Read My Post she is under a year old under a foot long and I stated that I would more than likely get her a larger environment to live in as she grows. Is there no positive people on this site.
If you are going to argue a point then at least get your facts straight, none of my snakes have ever been kept in a rack, i dont like racks personally but they dont affect the snakes negatively as shown by snakes that live long lives, eating, shedding and breeding in racks.
In the post that i responded to there was a shaky possibility mentioned that you may build a bigger enclosure later not that you would provide the correct care for the life of the lizard. Your post could be read that if you cant be bothered the lizard will live in an inappropriate enclosure for life.
As for being positive, i dont know many more positive peoplethan myself. Just because someone speaks frankly and honestly doesnt make them negative.
May you have more good days than bad

You never know how strong you are - until being strong is your only choice
There are no dark clouds - just well hidden silver linings!!