I had to shut down my salt water set ups last night as they both sundenly started having a die off. Fortunately it started with the bristol worms that came as pests in my live rock and I was able to find someone with a large healthy set up to save the fish.
However this leaves me with 2 35 to 40 gallon tanks to turn into reptile habitats. I am going to move my Leopard Gecko into one and see if I can introduce a female or 2. I know that most say dont however the tank is large and the geckos would be rescue animals coming from comunity tanks already.
The other tank is a bow front and just seems perfect for a chamelien community. 2 or 3 small guys my guru tells me.
Just looking for thoughts on tank design and such. Of course they will have one or 2 custom cultured stone hides built by me. See my ad in the classifieds LOL
I would like ideas on substrate, vines and climing stuff,foliage cover, lighting . What kind of hot and cold zones should I have.
Of course once I get them built I will post pictures.