My BP hates me!
Ok so I know she's an animal and rationally it's not personal... but I swear she hates me. I finally have her eating but unless I take her out when she's hiding she's really snippy. Aside from feeding her I don't handle her at all. I wanted to wait until she's eating routinely before I start handling her. She hasn't gotten me yet but she's tried a few times now and I'm a little gun shy. She's still small so I know she can't do any serious damage but I'm finding get nervous when I try to pick her up. A little jumpy even. I still love having her and happy that I got her. I just want to make her happy and eventually be able to handle her. I'm pretty patient and in no rush.
Generally she hides in her humidity box. Half the time she pokes her head out and lays it on this lid. I initially thought it was cute but now I fear she's just on the defensive. She has 3 hides and room to get under her water dish for another one. She climbs at night, especially when she's hungry.
I am looking for any advice on how to make her happy and not strike at me. Or is that just something I have to get used to?
Her temps are where they should be hot side/cool side. Aside from trains going by she's relatively undisturbed.