Dangers of improper quarantine
Use the links on post #3
I posted this another forum and I thought it should be posted here too.
This is for everyone. For everyone who doesn't believe in a full quarantine procedure before introducing their adult snakes together that were bought 3 weeks ago.
This is a thread from the Fauna boards in regards to IBD. This can happen to anyone of us and we may not even know it's in our collection! It's a very long thread so I'll try to link to the important pages I've come across.
This is the first page of the entire thread.
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This has a story from someone else who lost most of their collection to IBD. Look for the post by "Adrya"
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This link shows that IBD isn't the only collection killer. Crypto can be as deadly for those who keep lizards as well. Last post by KelliH.
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This link details an e-mail reply from Dr. Jacobson at the University of Florida. He's the leading person behind IBD and has a very informative e-mail reply here. Look for post #70.
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I didn't post this to attack anyone in particular. I thought it would be worth while to show you what can happen. That thread isn't even about the disease and how it acts entirely, although there's a ton of info about it, it's about how someone may be selling snakes with IBD into unsuspecting collections further spreading the disease.
Please for the sake of your animals and everyone else let's practice safe quarantine
Last edited by infernalis; 03-06-11 at 07:28 PM..