I introduced myself on the new guy thread...found some pics....just thought i would start a thread with past and present animals that i had,have or work around...I will try to add a little here and there when i have time...Im new to this scanning and posting pics thing so just hang on...I'll get it right sooner or later
Please ENJOY
Well i will start this thread with "Lumpy" he was an american alligator that i adopted and the best pet i personally ever had...Dog Tame and well liked by everyone that met him....summer time he had a nice open encloser outside with a cement pond....in the winter he was free to roam around my house with an unrestrained mouth....never had an issue with him...the only time i taped him was out in public...i trusted him...just didnt trust the humans!!!!...when he passed away it was a very sad day here....RIP Lumpsters