amel identity problem?
Not really a problem, but i suppose inqusitive me just trying to find out whats with my amel, with random black/grey and white checks on the belly? i say random cause some of them are like connected into rectangles but you can clearly see sqaures.
I dunno if you have seen photos of shiro hara? (and im not able to upload any recent due to my pc messing up, if i could upload via my blackbey i would, only old pics o.o)
But i thought i had an amel, after looking into this apparently they do not have the black pigment gene, looking more closely also on his either side there is a stripe on the top bit by his head that fades into saddles?
any ideas i would be greatful? I know okeetees have checkered bellys not amels? and motely's do? correct me if im wrong.
many thanks
 Blargflabbagookflamminflurbindarb! (C)