02-02-11, 06:25 PM
Join Date: Dec-2010
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 2,787
Profile: Peridot
This week we profile another new Living Gems Reptiles acquisition, Peridot. Peridot is a July 2010 (barely!) female who was the top pick in her litter. She was named only a few weeks ago, as with all our females not only for a precious gem, but also for a hallmark behavior. When in her cage, she likes to poke just her top few inches out of the top hole in her hide, ending up looking much like a submarine’s periscope. So, Peri-scope --> Peri-dot. As of month end December, Peridot weighed all of 49 grams.
Upon her arrival in November 2010, at three months old:
Having a snack in December 2010, at four months old:
(This is the tasteful pseudo-art shot.)
Periscope up! in early January, at five months old:
Don’t you wish all spyglasses were that cute? ;-)
We look forward to charting her growth as the year continues.
Thank you for looking,
Cliff Earle
Living Gems Reptiles
Premium Brazilian Rainbow Boas from a disease-tested facility
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