Originally Posted by edens
sheesh can i move with you?! wow they are gorgeous! gosh this site is going to be so bad for my savings! i just keep seeing these beautiful creatures and i want them aLL!!!! i keep having to tell myself 'now is not the time' before i run off somewhere to start getting everything i need how do all of you control yourselve?! jenn can you take some pics of your enclosures? would love to see your set-up!
lol u cant move in right now dont have the room but when we get our house you can sleep in the snake room lol...its hard for me to say no to a snake thats why i dont go to the pet stores anymore and i stop going to my fav breeds website, well the last part did not work out because i went on my fav BP and Boa breeder and he has some sweet looking mojos and i put a down payment on them
i hope to get a few cages if the tax gods are good to us this year.
here is my room with most of the snakes and lizards, i have the sav and GTP cages in my living room.