Humidity, help
We've had our ball guy for about 9 months and he was off feed for the first four months we got him, he ate well throughout the summer and fall but hasn't fed in 6 weeks. We have him in a 40gal tank with mesh lid, ZooMed UTH on warm side and nothing on cool side, in between are his water bowl and a wooden climber. We use a red 100 watt bulb to heat his tank 24/7. He has hides on both sides and hot temps run about 90 and cool about 75. Humidity, despite being in Missouri where it's ridiculously humid most of the year, is a problem - we are running about 40% right now. I suspect that it's because we are running heat in the house. I know the mesh top is allowing the mist I spray on the tank to evaporate and I even broke down and bought some sphagnum moss which I wetted and put under the heat lamp, it raised the humidity about 5% but nothing significant. My two major concerns are his being off feed and the potential for a horrid shed (he's not red on the belly or anything so I think we are okay for now but don't want to run into a bad situation). Any advice on how to raise the humidity for our guy? thanks.