poo problem
hi. out of all my snakes, the one that is causing abit of stress is the corn snake.. whenever she comes out, she has to poo! the other day it landed up on the sofa.. we dont want to just leave her in the tank unsocialised but its got to the point where no one wants to hold her much from fear of being pooed on! and to make it worse, corn snake poo is absolutly discusting (not that any kind is nice) but its like a giant bird dropping! i dont know what her issue is but, ive left her for a good few days on purpose after feeding to see if she will go toilet.. nothing... the day i get her out she does it. my daughter wasnt impressed the other week, because she came home from school, got the corn snake out, and it messed all over her uniform.. i gotta admit, i laughed, but now its not funny anymore.. does anyone know what the reason for this is? and is it possible to change this behaviour? thanks.
people often say, its cruel to keep snakes.. the fact is... if i didnt have my snakes, someone else would. at least i know the ones i own are looked after and loved. god knows where else they could have landed up.. so NO... its not cruel to keep snakes.