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Old 11-22-10, 03:14 PM   #16
pythonman's Avatar
Join Date: Nov-2010
Posts: 153
Re: Vivs in my reptile room

Originally Posted by presspirate View Post
Do you heat the room to the desired ambient temp then and use the heat sources mainly for basking? How big is the room? And also, do you have pics of your room prior to your current setup? Sorry for all of the questions, I like the pictures, but I also like details. I'd really like to see how your practices evolved over time. I think it helps those of us with less experience, and perhaps more than a little impatience to learn how to grow. Cheers Mate!
The room has an ambiant room temp of about 56-60 at night in winter, 68-72 during the day, in summer about 66-70 at night,74-80 depending on how much sunshine we recieve, no sunlight come directly through the window only daylight. The animals themselves are provided with heat via mats or reptile radiators so; the BHPS and Womas,=84-88 with a 10 degree drop at night or to whatever the ambiant room temp is, down to 68-72 at night when cooling 84-88 daytime BREDLI= about the same maybe a 12-14 degree drop at night. and the Diamonds which are cooling now get a basking spot of 82-85 for 4 hours 7am - 12 then their light and heaters are unplugged so the temps drop from hot spot of 85 down to a night time low of 58-60 degrees, this happens slowly. The rest of the time 85 degree hotspot(areas in their vivs only 70 degrees) , but the rest of the viv down to 66. I have found heating not to be an exact science. observation of the animals is paramount and adjustments can be made, sometimes i put lights on sometimes i dont, odd days they just stay at the ambiant room temp.They generally know whats best for them if givern space and a good thermal gradiant, as even within the same species they will exhibit some variation.
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