hi. i need some advice please.. i mentioned before that i rescued a carpet python from some guy who stupidly fed her a live rat before we took her.. the rat had bitten through her face.. its been around 3-4 weeks since we took her. last night she shed.. we can now see just how bad she had been bitten. her poor face is completly ruined. her nostrils have been bitten through aswell. all around the nose area is completly pink with no skin what so ever.. she looks raw. its not an open wound anymore, just pink skin.. do you think she will ever have her skin back in that area again? will that area be sensitive? its such a shame because shes a lovely snake. its bad enough she lost the end of her tail too because the rat bit through it. her face looks that bad, that it was a big shock to see. i felt pyhsically sick
i will never understand why people feed a captive snake live food when these are the results. i would be grateful for peoples opinions and advice on this. thankyou.
people often say, its cruel to keep snakes.. the fact is... if i didnt have my snakes, someone else would. at least i know the ones i own are looked after and loved. god knows where else they could have landed up.. so NO... its not cruel to keep snakes.