I needa little help...
Hello everyone, I have been a member here for sometime but I haven't logged in for quite some time. I share my life with several reptiles - a veiled chameleon, until recently a bearded dragon (he passed away at an advanced age) and two ball pythons - one calm, friendly captive bred male, and one very anxious, aggressive, wild caught female.
Last winter I put them together so they could have some company and I figured if we got eggs, I'd just remove them as I'm not into breeding and I didn't want a bunch more snakes.
But after the winter passed and I separated Benjamin and Clementine again, there was what looked like an egg sack, flattened and empty and I just tidied up under her hide and forgot about it.
Clem usually pees etc outside her hide and hates to be disturbed so I rarely lift it. She's a good eater in warm weather, and seems happiest left with minimal handling. I feed her about once a week, a good sized rat, and change her water and that's pretty much that.
So imagine my absolute shock when I went in last night to change water/mist the chameleon and my GOD but there is a baby snake in her tank.
It just got more startling when I lifted her hide and yep - there was another one in there with her.
I have two beautiful, strange coloured little bp babies and I have no idea how this happened or what to do next. I raced into town and bought pinkies but so far no interest at all. Isn't this a little unusual?
What do I do next - remove them to another tank? How do I feed them? Can they stay together? With the mother? Any and all advice is appreciated because I am totally blown away and out of my depth here.
Thanks in advance,
To err is human; to forgive, canine.