So I had an eventful night feeding my Jungle. Fed her in a seperate cage that has a log, plastic tray with the fuzzy mouse, and coconut substrate (eco earth). When she grabbed the mouse, it went into the substrate and well, she had a mouthful. Half of her mouth was closed while the other half was still unhinged due to the substrate not allowing her to close it.
This had me very worried, as I never ran into this with my corn. I didn't know what to do, so I misted her tank, put her back in and left her alone. It looks like most of it is gone, her mouth looks to be fully closed as well.
My only concern is that I noticed a very small piece of the coconut substrate in her "pit" that run along side her lower jaw. It looks like it is literally wedged in the rear most "pit" or opening. Not sure the real name of it. Size wise it might around a couple of grains of sand. She looks content, well fed (shes a fatty right now after eating), and happily exploring her enclosure. Should I be concerned or after a shed or two should it be removed as she gets bigger? I would think the size of the pits would get bigger as she does. I see absolutely no easy way to get it out. Hoping it comes out on its own.
Here is a photo of her, and about how big the piece of substrate is. And the arrow points to where it is, except the other side. NOTE: This is not a photo of her now, just using it to demonstrate where and how big the substrate is.