Hi, other Herpers!! :)
Hi, I currently have 15 snakes mostly kingsnakes but I do have 2 rat snakes, one milksnake and 2 corn and 2 ball pythons! I also have an Iguana named "Bluey" and a new Gecko (which I have no idea what kind he is, if I post a pic could someone tell me??) I also have many other pets! I breed my own rodents for my buddies to eat! 
Whether it arrives by invitation or by accident, by birth (or egg) or by box, the coming of a new animal is a joyful thing ;o)
Sneaky Slither Scooby Serenade Serengetti Serendipity Scunci Synclare Seline Sassafrass Segolas Seth Shelby Shy Shyanne & Skater
Last edited by AymKing; 01-04-03 at 05:46 PM..