I tunes help please
Does anyone know enough about how I tunes works that they might be able to help me out a bit please? I`ve got my music library on my C drive which my computer doesn`t like at all. I moved it to a new drive I had put on, but I tunes "doesn`t work like that" apparently and now I`ve moved it, there`s no way to tell it where the library is! I can`t just move it back so I either need to redo what I`ve done "properly" There is a way to do it apparently. Or, and this sounds easier by far, remove Itunes from the computer all together, keeping the music library on an external hard drive and start again. This time putting the library in the new drive in the first place. I`d be very very grateful of some help with this, I`ve had it for ages and it`s never worked properly...
(K) = Karma. Be nice, or auntie Karma will kick your butt!