Didn;t read all the posts just scanned a few quickly
Ditch the mice ASAP feed this snake rats from now on if possible.
Snake should have never been offered pinky mice, far too small, it should have been started on pinky rats or fuzzy mice preferably rats from day 1.
You do not wnat an 8ft Carpet Python that needs to eat 20 mice at a time instead of 2 rats & you want to switch it ASAP before mice is all it wants.
judging by the pics that snake will have no problems taking pinky rats a couple at a time or even a small fuzzy rat.
Carpets tend to be bitey as babies & will grow out of it over time with gentle handling etc. it is in its nature to be defensive & to "defend" itself.
You will also find it will feed far better if only offered every 7-14 days instead of once weekly or less.
Before offering it a rat pinky I would wiat a good 2 weeks prior the last feeding to ensure it is hungry & more willing to eat, Mark