Urgent - Kingsnake egg bound??
My king snake cleo has had somthing funny but bad happen. She layed some eggs but I got her 3 months ago and it has been almost 3 months and she has not been with a male so I may take it as asextual reproduction. Thats not the point. She layed one then a couple days later(2) she layed 4 more now there still looks liek there are some nere her ventral area maby 2 or 3 I dont know. Its been proabably around 4 to 5 days and nothing. I am begginging to get worried and should I take her to a vent and what do I as for like an egg extraction!?!?
I really hope someone can help me ask other people on the form if you do not know I really love my snake and would hate for anything bad to happen to her!