Doing something wrong.......
SOmething obviously isnt quite right - any help would be appreciated.
Picked up a very young ball a week back - had fed once according the breeder (i trust him) and due to feed again in two days time.
I have not spotted him going "blue" at all so not sure if he did this before i got him. But today he has done the messiest shed possible - lots of bits and scraggy bits left on him too - i know this means the husbandry side isnt right but not sure what i am doing wrong so here goes.
he is in a faunarium the same length as his body - about 12x6x6inches. The hot end is at 90f cold end is around 75-80f - humidity is between 55-60% depending on how soon after misting i check. I mist 2-3 times per day. There are hot and cold hides - a water bowl that he can fit in easily and a sphagnum moss hide in the cool end.
Because of the bad shed tonight i used a warm damp face flannel in my hand and let him slide through to try to help the skin release - within about ten minutes of going back into the faunarium he had shed approx 85% of the skin in larger pieces than before but still not one piece - he still has some scraggy bits hanging of him.
Is there anyhting i should change in the husbandry side? If he is still scraggy tomorrow should i repeat the warm damp flannel?
Thanks for any help!!
May you have more good days than bad
You never know how strong you are - until being strong is your only choice
There are no dark clouds - just well hidden silver linings!!