Originally Posted by Hillsberry
Their so pretty. Kim why are they so much in the States? Are they hard to come by or something?
australia has forbidden exports of their wild life since 1982 hillary.so all thats out there is bloodlines that have been out of australia from before 1982.pure diamonds a very hard to come by.ones with tracable blood lines are an even rarer occurance.if you go on a specialist diamond forum they are very strict on what they accept as definate pure diamonds.australia does let the odd reptile leave the country to zoo's in other countrys but i dont think they do it very often.percey39 was telling me his goverments thinking of releasing some rough scaled pythons out the country to various zoo's.so fingers crossed maybe 10 years plus from now i might be able to get my hands on some roughies.diamonds are amazing to work with hillary they are facinating to sit and watch.i would give all my collection away just to keep my diamond,shes that special to me.i live in hope for the day i successfully breed some diamonds.
cheers shaun
p.s. better get of my backside and find a male,as i wont have much success without one of them,haha