well like the title says... need to sell my sand boa

. my apt complex some how found out i had 2 snake and they told me i need to get rid of both, BUT since i was such a good resident they let me keep one as long as i can promise it wont escape and bla..blah...blah...
shes around a yr old, and very very well tempered, exept when i go to pick her up after eating she is a lil jumpy. exept that shes a perfect snake. dont want to sell but i have to

i got a week to sell and im hoping she can go to a good home from someone on here. please let me know if any one is interested!
i know there is a classified section, but this cant wait to sell, its a must sell now...
cage and all for $50. ( using that to by a 20 gal tank for my bp )
i wont ship, but ill meet
let me know