jungle carpet python wont eat
I purchased a male 08 jungle carpet python at a reptile expo a few weeks ago. He still has not eaten. I have tried feeding him frozen thawed fuzzies but he just ignores them when i wiggle them in front of his face. I tried feeding him a live pinkie rat but he would just strike at it and then not hold on. I think he was afraid of it. I think he is stressed. I have not handeled him in about two weeks because he is stressed. I have him in a 10 gallon with aspen a hide and a water dish. he spends most of his time hiding under his waterdish on the cool side of his tank. The hot spot is about 88 degrees and the cool side is about 79 degrees the humidity stays at about 50%. I dont know what i am doing wrong but i would realy like him to eat. eny suggestions on how to get him to eat would be greatly apreaciated.