Especially males....
Bearded Dragons with Complete Setup
Price: $500.00
Ad ID: 122904722
Visits: 74
Address: Bute and Davie, Vancouver, BC, V6E
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Date Listed: 02-May-09
I have two male bearded dragons for sale. They have been together since birth and live well together. Just under a year old. The reason for selling is that I need money for school. They are healthy and very friendly. They will come with everything you need. 60 gallon tank, UVB heat lamp, food and water dishes, basking logs, kricket keeper, cricket food, calcium dust, care guide. Email with any questions and for pictures
I asked how much they weighed.
The response
i have no idea how much they way. def under a pound a hey are still quite young.
From what I know, a year old dragon should be some 80-90% done growing.... In the picture posted with this ad, the look like they are 100-200 grams by estimation, and knowing how mine have looked(facial structure) at that weight.