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Old 02-21-09, 06:39 PM   #1
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Join Date: Feb-2009
Posts: 1
Vivarium Upgrade Advice

Hello! New to the forum. Looking for some advice from you guys please.

I have had a corn snake now for about six years. For those six years she's remained in the same vivarium setup. The vivarium is 3ft (W) x 1.5ft (H) x 1.5ft (D). When I bought this vivarium I was told by the shop keeper that it would suffice for the snakes lifetime. I pretty much took them on their word, as I have done with regards to the setup.

I currently have a thermostat controlled light for the heat source at one end of the vivarium. Its always on, dimming when its reached temperature. I have shelter at this end and at the cold end. Again this was the ideal setup recommended by the shop keeper at the time.

I've never had reason to not take their word for it, but after six years of owning a corn snake, I've wondered why she never roams her enclosure except for when food is offered. She spends 90% of her time coiled up in her hot end shelter. I rarely see her unless I'm holding her myself.

I've asked around in the past but most, including the shop keeper basically say its normal and to just rearrange the vivarium regularly.

Didn't seem to make much difference to be honest.

Anyway, by chance a friend was moving out of home and had a vivarium he used to keep a lizard in that passed away years ago. He was going to get rid of the vivarium, so I said I'd take it off his hands with the intention of using it to upgrade my corn snake vivarium. Here's a pic I just took:

The new vivarium is considerably larger! Its sized as follows 4.2ft (W) x 2ft (H) x 1.8ft (D). It came equipped with all his lizard gear which included:

- 'Zoo Med' 36" Reptisun 10.0 UVB flurouscent light
- some sort of caged cylinderical heating element attached to the interior rear wall
- basking spot light

Not bad for a freebie

Anyway, I have a few questions about converting this and using it as an upgrade for my corn snake.

First and foremost, am I correct in my assumption that this WILL NOT be TOO big a vivarium for my corn snake? I have read something about large vivariums being 'intimidating' but I suspect this is shop keep bull to have you buy several viv's as the snake ages...

I picked up a book and started reading about simulating day and night. This is something that I've never really done for my snake, and it got me thinking that for the last six years, it might explain why I've not seen her out and about much!

So my first question - is it a requirement? To simulate day and night? And secondly, what would be the best method?

Bearing in mind I have that flourescent tube, is the UVB flourescent tube I mention above of any use to a corn snake and can it be used along with a timer to simulate day and night say?

If this is not acceptable, should I look at installing two bulb holders and have them on day/night timers, as I have seen they stock bulbs that can be used to replicate day and night individually. Would this be acceptable?

Onto the next issue. Heat. As I say, currently the source of heat in the existing vivarium is a lamp inside a cage (to prevent burn).

For the new setup, should I go for some thermostat controlled heat mats instead?

The cylinder shaped heating tube I mentioned previously, will be coming out. It is quite large, taking up most of the back wall and obviously, knowing that corn snakes want a hot and cold end, that will be of no use to me.

If I go down the heat mat route, then I will probably remove the basking lamp from the new setup as well. I'm guessing there is no requirement for a basking lamp?

That I think, pretty much covers the questions I wanted to ask. Obviously I'll be kitting the viv out to make it interesting for my snake. And I do need to address some security issues on the rear wall (there is an opening about 2" high along the top rear wall that has some flimsy plastic removable grate - won't take long for an inquisitive snake to get through!).

I really want to give my snake a better life. As the more I have read recently, I'm not altogether sure what the shop keep told me and what I've adhered to the last six years might not have been the best method. That said she has remained a healthy snake.

I would really appreciate your answers to the above questions and indeed any further advice and opinions you have on the subject

Thanks in advance!
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