printed or unprinted: its all good
Here in North America most publishers use soy ink nowadays because soy is cheap to grow. That may not be true in Ireland; if they are still using the old inks, they are toxic.
i have my corn on beech shaving
As far as I know, beech does not contain the same phenols that are present in cedar or pine, so it may not be toxic. However, I am not an expert on this, so you might want to check on some of the European forums to see if anyone there has experience with beech.
How long have you kept your corn snake on beech shavings? Who recommended beech shavings for the corn? If that person is an experienced snake keeper, then he/she may already know beech is safe; talking to that person would be useful.
100 Euros? I don't know what a reasonable price in your area would be; I can tell you that that amount is 1.75 times what I paid here in the States. But it may be normal for your area, esp. as shipping is likely to be included in that price.
A younger snake (shorter than two feet) isn't necessarily a problem. If you see the snake eating in the store, then it's more likely to continue eating. Find out what the store policy is on returns--if you can't get the snake to eat in a month, can you return it?
I'm glad that you have found another store so you can compare your options--good luck!