you sound like just the person to do that research
Thanks (I think)---I'll take that as a compliment. However, as much as I love my animals, I'm not a herpetologist. I'm just a doctoral student in an entirely different field who has learned how to find research literature, read it for the important information, and evaluate it--it's part of my job.
I have no intent of offending anyone, and I am working to switch my BP to rats. I'm just saying we shouldn't jump on the rat bandwagon too strongly because we don't have all the info we need on this subject. Future research may reveal that a different diet is even better.
At this point, though, we're all doing the best we can--you, Aaron, Julian, etc. all care about your snakes just as I do, and we all are taking care of them in a way that seems to be optimal with the info we have. Seeing your snakes grow faster certainly appears to support the idea that rats are better, and their growth rate supports the research showing that rats provide more energy.
Now you can all say--look what Chu'Wuti's curiosity got us into! No more curiosity!