33 gal. what to do what to do
well I have decided to set up my 33 gallon once again... had been using it as a crested gecko tank but now that I have free'd up space in other tanks its time for a lil re arranging. so.. now i'm left with the issue of figuring out what to put in the tank. I'm going to be staying clear from the aggressive mean fish I used to always keep (heh used to keep serveral diff species of piranha) I think its time for some form of comunity tank. I really really like clown loach's but am not sure if a 33 gal. is large enough to keep em? Looked on one fish site so far and it says they need a minimum of a 65 gallon tank but thier recomendations on tank size's i find rae off at least with piranhas species. So does anyone see a problem with a small group of say 3 clown loach's in a 33 gallon? also what other kind of fish would mix well with them to add a lil variety? i was thinking possibly of some tetra's not sure what kind yet... i'm pretty much open to suggestions.. just wantt o have a nice looking tank to look at and some new intersting fish to keep... any input is greatly apreciated.
cheers -
Cheers –