i recently got a ball python from my friend as a gift. she was 5 months old and at the time i could not afford her. she lived with my friend in his cage with his female ball python. i just moved her in about 4 days ago and she managed to get out of her cage. im in my bedroom and once i found out she was out of her cage i lined the bottem of my doors with newspaper and duct taped it on so she couldent get under it (rollled up newspapers taped to teh bottem of the door so it covers the small space under the door and the floor) i found out she was gone at about 130 in the morning last night. i stayed up till 6 am tearing my room apart trying to find her. ive cheked most of the places i think a snake might want to be . i even had my friend sleep on the floor so his body heat might attract her. the only heatsources are my bed and my computer. im using an old hunters trick for snake catching and i placed a bowl of chickens blood in the dark spot under my computer desk. the problem im having is my room is always dark and very cluttered so theres millions of places she could be. how do i find her? i think im gonna put in a heat pad under my bed then jsut check there often. my doors never iopen unless someones coming in or out so i dont think she will be able to leave my room. but im still worried because my brothers a jerk and said if he find her he'll kill her. please help me i gotta find her before he does.