Me and my girlfriend have been contomplating on what to get. Ower land lord doesn't mind snakes as long as they arnt over 5ft so we desided to get a corn snake for each of us. Now the problem is were not sure what to get. She has been doing her research and found what is called a butter corn snake and loves it along with an albino. I how ever wan't to wait till the next local expo to see what they have other than deathco(petco)

. She has a burning hole of money in her pocket to go pick out a tank. I was wondering how would an exo-terra tank do. There is a clearence on the 12x12x12 but Im not sure its big enough. Would the 18x18x18 or the 34Wx18Dx24H be big enough. I found an exoterra web site but Im not sure. I here that a 20 gal is good enough but I like the fact that the front of it opens and locks.Any sugestions