Milks and corns
Hello Everyone
I have been keeping my pair of pueblan milks together and my pair of corns together so far everything seems good. I take each of them out of there tanks to eat. I never feed them together in there tanks. I have a seperate tank with carpet for feeding. They are all about a year old and doing well.
I have read that some people agree its fine too keep them together and some do not agree. if anybody has some feedback I would be greatfull.
both of my pairs tend to sleep together in one hiding place although I have about 5 or six in each tank.
and i do have one interesting question for you guys. I have a friend who has a corn and a milk and he houses them together and has no problems I told him I think thats a bit risky but he told me he's never had any problems does anybody have an opinion about that situation. id love to hear from you guys.
thanks guys your friend