I have a few questions about care/setup for a berber skink... I'm going to be going shopping tomorrow and id like some other opinions on what i will need to get.... i plan on having
The tank will be around 20gallon... it honestly depends on what they have/how big it is (i got the min tank size from my science teacher but i cant find specs but i have a rough idea)... ill be having 3-4inches of very fine (smooth - not sharp) gravel, a medium size water dish, a rock or some sort of thing were he can lay down/hide... my questions are tho
- How big of a water dish should i get? does it need to be big enough to soak in or should it just be one to drink (I'm not sure if berbers need to be soaked or not haha)
- Heating... I'm a little stumped here, our climate up here can get cold very fast... (house temp is around 18-20 degrees Celsius but can jump down to as low as 16 degrees very suddenly at night)... should i look at getting an undertank heating pad?... is there any solutions to solve this problem?
- Lighting, if i get a sun lamp how long should i keep it on? should i worry about getting any other type of lighting?
- Food, right now i know there being fed live crickets... I'm not to keen on the idea and i plan on slowly switching him over to mealworms once i get my colony established.. my question is for the first week or so what should i feed him? a mix of veggies/crickets, should i feed him at all for the first few days? also for the crickets if he doesn't eat them within 3-4 hours should i take them out? or leave them in? (i heard they can munch on your lizard when hes asleep.. I'm not sure if its true or not but i REALLY dont want that - which is another reason why i want to switch it over to worms).... sadly i cant do that for another week once i get the beetles needed, also if anyone can share some good recipes for food i would love to hear em
- Live Plants: are there any suitable plants that can be kept in a pot with these guys? i don't want to get anything poisonous haha
Im going to visit the store tomorrow, one of their staff is very knowledgeable about the lizards (my teacher who has 3-4 of them recommended me to her) but i want to get multiple opinions first
so any suggestions would REALLY help. Thanks!